Tactics of Orthodontic Treatment of Children and Preventive Methods of Developing Caries


  • Fozilov Uktam Abdurazzokovich Bukhara State Medical Institute


In recent years, the country has undergone significant changes in the field of orthodontics. If earlier solvable apparatus were used in 90% of cases, at present they are only used in 16% of observations. Today, 84% of patients receive treatment on the floor using non – removable-hardened apparatus. Therefore, in the course of orthodontic treatment, the problem of prophylaxis of dental caries and periodont diseases has become serious. The practical significance of the issue is expressed by the prevalence of dental caries and periodont tissue diseases in the population. It has also been proven that improperly administered orthodontic treatment leads to similar changes. Among the additional methods for the diagnosis of the early stages of the caries process, an intensifier in the demineralization of enamel, a call for fluorescence of tooth hard tissues, modern apparatus are worth noting. It is known that fluorescence occurs when a beam with a wavelength falls on a fluoressenting material, then it is constantly shifted in the direction of the red spectrum, radiating light with a different length of the wave. In connection with intact and caries, the damaged enamel is fluoresced after absorbing rays of different lengths of waves. It has been shown that the modern arsenal of diagnostic apparatus is able to effectively assess the initial stage of enamel demineralization using laser fluorescence and quantitative beam induced laser fluorescence. To prevent such complications, various remedies have been proposed that contain calcium and fluorine. However, they did not always have the desired effect, since unsatisfactory oral hygiene was observed in 65-67% of patients who underwent the examination, while local fluoridation, due to the rapid loss of fluoride calcium crystals, had insufficient effect [].




How to Cite

Abdurazzokovich, F. U. (2024). Tactics of Orthodontic Treatment of Children and Preventive Methods of Developing Caries. International Journal of Alternative and Contemporary Therapy, 2(10), 88–91. Retrieved from http://medicaljournals.eu/index.php/IJACT/article/view/1074