Studying Risk Factors Leading to Cardiovascular System Damage in Patients with Gout


  • Tairov Doston Rustamovich Samarkand State Medical University, department, propaedeutics of internal diseases
  • Ass, Berdiev Doniyor Khasanovich Samarkand State Medical University, department, propaedeutics of internal diseases
  • Khasanov Shokhrukh Orolovich Student at Samarkand State Medical University, No. 1, medical work, group 612


SCORE, PROCAM, cardiovascular risk


The prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) and its individual components in patients with gout was studied. The overall cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk in this patient group was assessed. The study involved 43 patients, with the primary group consisting of 28 patients with primary chronic gout and MS, and a comparison group of 15 volunteers with MS but without gout or any other immune-inflammatory processes. All patients underwent an evaluation of their total CVD risk using the SCORE and PROCAM scales. At least one additional MS feature was identified in all examined patients. In the primary group, 7 (24.2%) patients, and in the comparison group, 1 (3.51%) patient exhibited all five additional MS features. Patients in the primary group more frequently demonstrated more than three additional MS features compared to the isolated MS group. Arterial hypertension was observed in patients with MS regardless of the presence of gout. The total CVD risk in the primary group was significantly higher compared to the isolated MS group (p<0.01 for SCORE and p<0.05 for PROCAM).




How to Cite

Rustamovich, T. D., Khasanovich, A. B. D., & Orolovich, K. S. (2024). Studying Risk Factors Leading to Cardiovascular System Damage in Patients with Gout. International Journal of Alternative and Contemporary Therapy, 2(12), 82–85. Retrieved from