The Role of Comorbidity in the Development of Affective Respiratory Paroxysms in Children


  • Babajanova Umida Tajimuratovna PhD, Assistant of the Department of Neurology, Child Neurology and Medical Genetics, Tashkent, Pediatric Medical Institute, ALFRAGANUS UNIVERSITY, Tashkent city, Uzbekistan


non-epileptic paroxysms affective-respiratory paroxysm, obstetric and gynecological factors perinatal CNS lesion


Non-epileptic paroxysmal states (NEPS) are clinical disorders that usually occur suddenly, short—term brain dysfunction for various reasons with a general non-epileptic character. Non-epileptic paroxysmal states are more common than epileptic ones. NEPS can be confused with epileptic seizures. These states manifest themselves through trembling, stereotypical movements in wakefulness, or difficult-to-explain states in sleep. These phenomena are difficult to diagnose unambiguously as normal, pathological or adaptive. These conditions are currently defined as paroxysms (Paroxysm, (special and book). Sudden and severe attack (illness, feelings). (Explanatory dictionary edited by S.I.Ojegova and N.Yu.Shvedova).


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Madjidova Yakuthon Nabievna, Babadjanova Umida Tadjimuratovna, Abdullayeva Vasila Karimovna, Yunusova Rano Tulkinovna , Khushmurodova Mehrgiyo Allayarovna.// Erythrocyte And Plasma Markers Of The Oxidative System In Children With Affective Respiratory Paroxysms. (2022). Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 4182-4185.




How to Cite

Tajimuratovna, B. U. (2024). The Role of Comorbidity in the Development of Affective Respiratory Paroxysms in Children. International Journal of Alternative and Contemporary Therapy, 2(4), 48–51. Retrieved from