Clinical Peculiarities of Odontogenic Purulent Inflammatory Diseases in Children


  • Sapaev R. A Bukhara State Medical Instiuti
  • Saidov A. A. Bukhara State Medical Instiuti


Relevance of the study: Many issues of etiology, pathogenesis, prevention and treatment of purulent-inflammatory processes of the facial jaw-odontogenic purulent inflammatory diseases are focused on them by researchers. Also in children, acute inflammatory processes of the facial jaw often develop with a decrease in the immunological reactivity of the body, and the course of the disease and the possibility of complications are determined mainly by changes in the initial indicators of immunity.


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How to Cite

R. A, S., & A. A., S. (2024). Clinical Peculiarities of Odontogenic Purulent Inflammatory Diseases in Children. International Journal of Alternative and Contemporary Therapy, 2(4), 58–61. Retrieved from