Indications for Dental Examination of Mentally Ill Patients with Periodontal Diseases


  • Astanov Otabek Mirjonovich


indications, dental examination, patients, epidemiology, pathology


The issues of combined diseases of the oral cavity (OD) and internal organs occupy a prominent place in dentistry, because they allow us to reflect the essence of the genesis of many dependent diseases of the OD and outline ways to develop comprehensive preventive measures [3]. Therefore, it is often noted that lesions of the PR tissues, in most cases, are the first clinical signs of disorders in diseases of the neuroendocrine, hematopoietic, digestive, cardiovascular systems (CVS), etc. [1, 5, 9, 15]. The dependence of the occurrence of a pathological situation in the PR on the general condition of the body is beyond doubt, while the incidence of caries, periodontitis and abnormalities of the maxillary joints in a number of somatic diseases has been proven [8], including when harmful factors are exposed to the human body [7]. A number of authors see a possible pathogenetic role of dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and the central nervous system (CNS) in the formation of the pathological process [6]. The relationship between the occurrence of wedge-shaped dental defects and diseases of the central nervous system has been noted [12]. Also, the condition of the dentition system and the provision of comprehensive dental care to the mentally ill is a little-studied issue. At the same time, with the growth of mental illness (PD), the dental service of psychiatric hospitals cannot cope with the entire flow of patients and some patients with mental disorders end up in ordinary dental clinics. The experience of dental assistants in providing dental care to patients with mental disorders has shown that special training is necessary to work with this category of patients [11, 13,17].




How to Cite

Otabek Mirjonovich, A. (2024). Indications for Dental Examination of Mentally Ill Patients with Periodontal Diseases. International Journal of Alternative and Contemporary Therapy, 2(1), 18–22. Retrieved from