Anthropometric Examination of Deep Scapular Coverage in Children


  • Durdiev Jonibek Ismatovich Bukhara state medical institute. Uzbekiston


frontal teeth disocclusion, examination, level of encounter


Disocclusion of the frontal teeth is an anomaly in the vertical direction of the jaws. The reasons for the development of disocclusion of the frontal teeth can be different: the inflammatory process and, as a result, the violation of bone growth, a decrease in the function of chewing or one-sided chewing, a violation of the period and sequence of teeth eruption, the lack of crowns of milk teeth, a violation of breathing through the nose, improper swallowing; general diseases associated with calcium metabolism disorders; congenital cleft palate, trauma complications and myodynamic imbalance. Common factors in the development of disocclusion of frontal teeth: disturbances in the musculoskeletal system and dysplastic diseases can be the cause.


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How to Cite

Durdiev Jonibek Ismatovich. (2024). Anthropometric Examination of Deep Scapular Coverage in Children. International Journal of Alternative and Contemporary Therapy, 2(5), 111–115. Retrieved from