Clinical and Epidemiological Analysis of the Rates of Patients with Allergic Dermatoses by Age Category and Gender


  • Akhmedov Jamshid Khusanovich Alfraganus University Department of Clinical Subjects Department of Faculty Orthopedic Dentistry Tashkent State Dental Institute
  • Yuldashev Shobakhrom Iskandar öğli Head of Laboratory Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical medical center of Allergology and Clinical immunology
  • Khamzaev Jakhongir Ortiq öğli Doctor-allergologist Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical medical center of Allergology and Clinical immunology
  • Irsaliyeva Fatima Khusnutdinovna Professor of the Department of Allergology, Clinical Allergology and Nursing Department Tashkent Medical Academy


allergy dermatoses, clinical and epidemiology, age category, gender identity


Allergic contact dermatitis is one of the most common diseases in dermatological practice, and, according to various data, it is observed in 2-2.5% of the world population. To date, a sufficiently large number of etiological factors that can cause contact allergy are known, but it is difficult to compare the relationship with a specific allergen and rashes, therefore, it is relevant to conduct a special allergological examination


allergy dermatoses, clinical and epidemiology, age category, gender identity




How to Cite

Akhmedov Jamshid Khusanovich, Yuldashev Shobakhrom Iskandar öğli, Khamzaev Jakhongir Ortiq öğli, & Irsaliyeva Fatima Khusnutdinovna. (2024). Clinical and Epidemiological Analysis of the Rates of Patients with Allergic Dermatoses by Age Category and Gender. International Journal of Alternative and Contemporary Therapy, 2(5), 156–159. Retrieved from