The Intensity and Prevalence of Dental Caries and the Need for Treatment in Primary School Children


  • Mirsalixova Firuza Luqmanovna Tashkent State Dental Institute


Among the manytasks of moderndentistry, the task of maximizingtheintegrity of toothtissuesbasedonminimallyinvasivetreatment is oneof the most important.Significantprogress has been made over the past10yearsdue to the introduction of large-scalepreventiveprogramsandimprovements in dental cariestreatmentmethods.However, thisproblemremainsrelevantand is being activelystudiednotonly by UzbekandRussian,butalso by foreignscientists.On the territory of the RussianFederation,namelyin the KrasnoyarskandOmskregions, in youngchildren, the intensity of caries damage is0.3(KPUp index)with a prevalence of 12.2% at the age of 1year,by the age of 3, the lesion of teethincreasesalmost10timesreaching2.8with a prevalenceof57.7%,by the age of 6 it doublesandreaches5.4with a prevalence of 85.4%,andamong12-year-oldschoolchildrenwith a cariesintensityof2.1, the prevalence of caries of permanentteethrangesfrom61%to96%.Highfigures of the incidence of caries are also givenin the materials of scientists from foreigncountries.




How to Cite

Mirsalixova Firuza Luqmanovna. (2024). The Intensity and Prevalence of Dental Caries and the Need for Treatment in Primary School Children. International Journal of Alternative and Contemporary Therapy, 2(6), 105–107. Retrieved from