Medical Journals Press is an international platform for Scientists, Medical scholars, Managers, Professors and students involved in all streams of Research to publish high-quality research and review papers. Medical Journals Press is functioning as an excellent research paper Publisher with a global reputation for quality journals. Platform publishes international research papers under the scope of the journal while making a double-blind peer review process with strong and reputable editorial board members.

The mission of Medical Journals Press is to contribute to the progress and application of scientific discoveries, by providing free access to research information online. All Medical Journals Platform's articles will be freely distributed and available from multiple websites.

We publish Open Access Journals that enable the dissemination of research findings to the global community without restriction. Thus, all articles published can be downloaded with free of charge from all around the world.

Publisher address: 730 E 12th St, New York, NY 10009, United States


  • International Journal of Integrative and Modern Medicine

    International Journal of Integrative and Modern Medicine (IJIMM) with U.S. ISSN 2995-5319 -  is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal focusing on academic research and clinical studies in the field of integrative medicine.   It aims to be a leading journal for studies in integrative medicine and to promote communication and integration among traditional medicinal systems, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), and conventional World medicine.  IJIMM is committed to publishing high-quality papers on integrative medicine and creating an open forum in which the international scholarly community can exchange views, share research and clinical experience, discuss integrative medicine education, and discuss issues and problems in our various disciplines and in integrative medicine as a whole. The journal's international scope ensures that research and progress from all regions of the world are widely covered.

  • International Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology

    International Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology with U.S ISSN 2995-536X - is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research articles, reviews, case studies, brief scientific notes, opinions, and letters to the editor for all fields of Cognitive Psychology and Neurosciences. Journal particularly welcomes articles on the results of scientific research in various fields of cognitive science such as psychology, artificial intelligence, linguistics, philosophy, and neuroscience catering to international and multidisciplinary audiences. Readers include those in cognitive psychology, special education, education, adult education, educational psychology, school psychology, speech and language, and public policy.


  • International Journal of Alternative and Contemporary Therapy

    International Journal of Alternative and Contemporary Therapy with U.S. ISSN 2995-5378 -  is an online Open Access peer-reviewed journal that focuses on the latest developments and advancements in all areas of complementary, alternative, as well as traditional medicine and exercise programs. The journal aims to serve as a platform and disseminate knowledge to researchers, clinicians, practitioners and scholars who are in pursuit of updated information in integrative medicine.

  • International Journal of Pediatrics and Genetics

    International Journal of Pediatrics and Genetics with U.S. ISSN 2995-5483 - a peer-reviewed international journal publishing articles on all aspects of genetics in childhood and of the genetics of experimental models. IJPG publishes original research articles in the arena of Genetics and Medical Genetics. The journal is directed at academics, practitioners and researchers who are keen on such topics of academic research. The main research topics disseminated in this journal include Genetics, Pediatrics, Pathology, Genes and Internal medicine. IJPG provides an in-depth update on new subjects and current comprehensive coverage of the latest techniques in the diagnosis of childhood genetics. Journal of Pediatric Genetics encourages submissions from all authors throughout the world.
    International Journal of Pediatrics and Genetics with U.S. ISSN 2995-5483 publishes high-quality, original articles where all submitted articles are peer-reviewed to guarantee the highest quality. The journal welcomes submissions from the research community where emphasis will be placed on the originality and the practical impact of the published findings.