Cardiorenalic Syndrome: Classification, Principles Diagnostics and Treatment


  • Saidova L. B. Candidate of medical sciences, associate professor


cardiorenal syndrome, acute cardiac failure sufficiency, acute kidney injury, chronic kidney disease


Cardiorenal syndrome (CRS) is a cardiorenal relationship in which acute or chronic dysfunction of one organ leads to acute or chronic failure of another. The primacy of kidney and cardiovascular diseases is conditional (cardiorenal or renocardial syndrome). The number of patients with comorbid cardiovascular and renal lesions has a steady upward trend in the world and is associated with high overall and cardiovascular mortality. The article presents current issues of cardiorenal relationships from the standpoint of modern concepts of the cardiorenal continuum, the commonality of risk factors and pathogenetic mechanisms, as well as the prognostic role of renal and cardiac pathology, and discusses the principles of diagnosis and treatment of clinical variants of CRS.


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How to Cite

Saidova L. B. (2024). Cardiorenalic Syndrome: Classification, Principles Diagnostics and Treatment. International Journal of Integrative and Modern Medicine, 2(12), 78–84. Retrieved from