Digital Technologies and Their Role in International Relations


  • T. Tursunmuratov Doctor of political sciences (DSc), vice-rector of Inha University in Tashkent, associate professor of the University of Social and Political Sciences
  • A. Dodoboev Associate professor of Yangier branch of Tashkent Chemical and Technology University


digital technologies, international relations, digital diplomacy, hashtag analysis


The article examines questions about the place and role of digital technologies in international relations. The goals and objectives of digital diplomacy were discussed. The author pays special attention to the stages of development of digital diplomacy in the world. The work also discusses different methods of data analysis, such as Hashtag analysis, system analysis, and content analysis. The author shows the enormous importance of digitalization in the life of society.


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How to Cite

Tursunmuratov, T., & Dodoboev, A. (2025). Digital Technologies and Their Role in International Relations. International Journal of Integrative and Modern Medicine, 3(1), 82–85. Retrieved from