
  • Iroda Ilkhamovna Abdusamatova, Assistant Teacher, Department of Anatomy, Tashkent State Dental Institute, Uzbekistan
  • Javokhir Ulugbek-ogli Erkinov, Saidullo Saidaziz-ogli Saidakmalov, Davlat Zakirovich Khodjimamatov 1st year Bachelor's degree students, Faculty of Dentistry, Tashkent State Dental Institute, Uzbekistan


laryngeal crest, clinical and morphological features, physiology of voice production, microscopic and macroscopic examination.


The laryngeal crest (prominentia laryngea) is a significant anatomical formation that plays an important role in the physiology of voice production and respiration. This article discusses the clinical and morphological features of the laryngeal crest, its structure and functions. A review of literature data was carried out, as well as an analysis of the results of our own morphological studies, including microscopic and macroscopic examination of tissues. Various pathological conditions associated with changes in the laryngeal ridge region, their clinical manifestations and possible approaches to diagnosis and treatment are described. The presented data may be useful for otolaryngologists, surgeons and other specialists involved in the treatment of diseases of the larynx.


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How to Cite

Iroda Ilkhamovna Abdusamatova, & Javokhir Ulugbek-ogli Erkinov, Saidullo Saidaziz-ogli Saidakmalov, Davlat Zakirovich Khodjimamatov. (2024). CLINICAL AND MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE LARYNGEAL CREST . International Journal of Integrative and Modern Medicine, 2(5), 218–223. Retrieved from