In Various Countries, the Organization of Emergency Medical Services and the Proficiency of Paramedics May Vary


  • Madjitova Shakhnoza Olimjonovna Tashkent Medical Academy, School of Public Health, 2nd year Master's student
  • Adilova Zilolakhon Ulmasovna Tashkent Medical Academy, School of Public Health, Senior Lecturer


emergency medical care, ambulance service, paramedics, performance evaluation


Various countries organize emergency medical services and provide quick medical assistance in different stages of medical emergencies, involving professionals such as doctors, paramedics, nurses, and medical assistants. The importance of their service and some historical aspects of emergency medical care are discussed in this paper.


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How to Cite

Olimjonovna, M. S., & Ulmasovna, A. Z. (2024). In Various Countries, the Organization of Emergency Medical Services and the Proficiency of Paramedics May Vary. International Journal of Integrative and Modern Medicine, 2(5), 265–269. Retrieved from