The Effects of Aluminum on the Body and Brain, and its Negative Consequences


  • Zaripova Oysara Olimjon Qizi Assistant at the Department of Pathological Physiology, Bukhara State Medical Institute


Aluminum compounds


Aluminum is one of the most abundant elements on Earth, ranking third after oxygen and silicon. In nature, aluminum compounds are diverse and occur in various forms. These compounds are found in more than 280 minerals and are widely used in various human activities. Despite their widespread use, the negative consequences of aluminum remain a significant and unresolved issue in modern medicine. Notably, its complications related to the brain have sparked considerable debate. Numerous discussions continue about how aluminum and its compounds might contribute to profound brain changes such as Alzheimer’s disease, autism, Parkinsonism, and progressive sclerosis. Even though large amounts of aluminum can enter the body through drinking water, respiration, and food products, only a small amount is reabsorbed through mucous membranes.




How to Cite

Zaripova Oysara Olimjon Qizi. (2024). The Effects of Aluminum on the Body and Brain, and its Negative Consequences. International Journal of Integrative and Modern Medicine, 2(6), 350–351. Retrieved from