The Effectiveness of Various Methods of Preventing Dental Caries and its Complications


  • Mirsalixova Firuza Luqmanovna Tashkent State Dental Institute


Dueto the highprevalence of initialcaries, newmeansarestillbeingsoughttoreversetheprocess of enameldemineralization.Thisopportunity is provideddue to the preservation of the enamelproteinmatrix. The duration of traditionalremineralizingtherapy for initialcariesand the notalwaysvisibleresultreduce the frequency of use of thismethod. The technique of cariesinfiltrationallowsinmostcases to achieve a visibleresult in onevisitwithoutenamelpreparation. The effectiveness of traditionaltherapy for initialcaries is quitelow.Forcompleteremineralization of enamel, alongperiod of contact of remineralizingsubstanceswithenamel is necessary,sincecalciumionsandothertrace elements penetrateinto the enameldue to the slowdiffusionprocess. The favorableresults of remineralizingtherapy are quitelabile, the foci of demineralizationeasilyrecurovertime.Therefore, the processes of remineralizationmust be constantlymaintained by stimulating the remineralizingproperties of the oralfluid. In addition to localremineralizingtherapy,itscombinationwithsystemicadministration of calciumandfluoride preparations gives the besteffect.Oneof the moderndrugsfor the treatmentandprevention of initialcariesis the gel"R.O.C.S.MedicalMinerals".Itcontainscalciumglycerophosphate,magnesiumchlorideandxylitol.




How to Cite

Mirsalixova Firuza Luqmanovna. (2024). The Effectiveness of Various Methods of Preventing Dental Caries and its Complications. International Journal of Integrative and Modern Medicine, 2(6), 554–557. Retrieved from