Optimisation of Teleradiographs Calculation in The Diagnosis of Distal Dentition Taking Into Account the Component of Vertical Jaw Growth


  • Shahnoza Rasuljanovna Rasulova, Gavhar Erkinovna Aripova, Elbek Elxanovich Nasimov, Nargiza Baxadirovna Abdukadirova, Tashkent State Dental Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


distal occlusion, vertical growth, horizontal growth, orthodontic treatment.


The possibility of influencing the degree of "divergence" of the jaw bones allows you to change the predominant growth vector of the jaw complex from vertical to horizontal and vice versa. Given that there is a correlation between vertical and horizontal indicators, it is possible to determine the likelihood of aggravation or the possibility of self-regulation of problems in patients with distal occlusion of the dentition.


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How to Cite

Shahnoza Rasuljanovna Rasulova, Gavhar Erkinovna Aripova, Elbek Elxanovich Nasimov, Nargiza Baxadirovna Abdukadirova,. (2024). Optimisation of Teleradiographs Calculation in The Diagnosis of Distal Dentition Taking Into Account the Component of Vertical Jaw Growth. International Journal of Integrative and Modern Medicine, 2(6), 701–704. Retrieved from https://medicaljournals.eu/index.php/IJIMM/article/view/672