The Significance of Ultrasound Dopplerography of the Scrotum in the Diagnosis of Acute Scrotum and its Effect on Treatment Strategy
ultrasound dopplerography, scrotum, hydroceleAbstract
Pain and swelling of the scrotum is a pathological sign that indicates the presence of inflammatory diseases of the testicles. It can be epididymitis, orchitis, epididymoorchitis, dropsy, inguinal hernia and other pathologies. Ultrasound will show the condition of the scrotum organs, will allow you to assess their structure, density, integrity, and will also provide an opportunity to assess the quality of blood flow in the vessels. Ultrasound with a Doppler allows you to accurately identify such a pathology as testicular torsion. With such a disease, the normal blood supply to the testicular tissues is acutely disrupted, which leads to severe ischemia and subsequent necrosis. Most often, this pathology is a consequence of trauma to the scrotum.
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