Surgical Treatment of Acute Biliary Pancreatitis
acute pancreatitis, surgical treatment, complications of acute pancreatitis, pancreonecrosis, pancreatic fistulas, intra-abdominal bleedingAbstract
In the review article the modern classification of acute pancreatitis, indications for surgical treatment of severe, primarily infected pancreonecrosis, development trends and controversial issues of this problem are covered. Two different methods of operations - “closed” and “open” - for drainage of retroperitoneal space depending on the scale of necrotic accumulation were analyzed. The prospect of using transluminal endoscopic surgery through natural orifices (ENOTES) in the treatment of severe acute pancreatitis complicated by abdominal compartment syndrome is shown. Frequency of intraoperative and early complications of “closed” and “open” interventions in severe acute pancreatitis, their recognition, prevention of their occurrence and choice of surgical or conservative treatment method are considered.
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