Acute Purulent Inflammation of the Joints in Case of Burns of the Disease
Metastic, Surgical treatment, septicotoxemia, DespiteAbstract
According to a number of authors studying this problem, in case of burn disease, first of all, circulatory disorders and their consequences are observed, during the period of exhaustion - severe dystrophic changes in organs that can lead to disability [13]. According to the World Health Organization, burns rank fourth among all causes of injury.
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Umedov X.A. Jigar va taloqning yopiq shikastlanishlarda videolaparoskopik usulda tashxislash va davolashning imkoniyatlari // Журнал биомедцины и практики.- Тошкент, 2023.-№4 – С.457-460.
Umedov X.A.., Intraoperative surgical hemostasis tactics in case of combined injuries of parenchymal organs abdominal cavity. American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences. Volume 13, Number 12 (2023)