Sudden Death From Coronary Heart Disease While Driving Cardiac In Citizens of Khorezm :Pathology, Clinic, Countermeasures


  • Bakhtiyarova Aziza Maksudbekovna Student,Urgench branch of Tashkent Medical academy,28,Al-Khorezmiy street,Urgench city,Uzbekistan.
  • Kurbanova Nodira Navruzovna PhD,Head teacher,Department of Biochemistry, Urgench branch of Tashkent Medical academy,28,Al-Khorezmiy street,Urgench city,Uzbekistan


Sudden death from ischemic heart disease while driving is an important cause of traffic accidents. This study discusses causes of traffic accidents in relation to risk factors for acute myocardial infarction such as hypertension and overwork and provides references for the early prevention and regulation of drivers’ health conditions.




How to Cite

Bakhtiyarova Aziza Maksudbekovna, & Kurbanova Nodira Navruzovna. (2023). Sudden Death From Coronary Heart Disease While Driving Cardiac In Citizens of Khorezm :Pathology, Clinic, Countermeasures. International Journal of Alternative and Contemporary Therapy, 1(1), 1–3. Retrieved from