The National Calendar of Preventive Vaccinations is the Basis of the System of Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases
vaccination prevention, Vaccination calendar, combined vaccinesAbstract
The NCSP includes vaccinations against two groups of infectious diseases – those that affect almost the entire population (so-called "childhood" infections), and those characterized by a severe course, a high degree of disability and mortality (tetanus, diphtheria, hepatitis B, polio). The timing of the start of preventive vaccinations is determined by the age at which infection is most likely and/or in which the disease is severe. For a number of "childhood" viral infections, the prevention of which is carried out by live vaccines, immunization is carried out after the elimination of maternal antibodies has occurred. The duration of revaccination is determined by the duration of preservation of the protective effect after the completion of the vaccination course. K.Emphasizes the legitimacy of detailing the schemes of vaccination prevention of specific infections, the need to develop multicomponent vaccines that facilitate compliance with the decreed terms of vaccination. The article substantiates the need for regular publication of Russian official guidelines on vaccineprevention.
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