Dental Studies of the Chewing Height in Patients Using Metal-Ceramic and Zirconium Prostheses


  • Axmedov Xurshid Kamalovich Bukhara State Medical, Institute Assistant of the Department of Orthopedic, Dentistry and Orthodontics


Restoration of defects in hard tissues of teeth and dentition is an urgent task not only for orthopedic dentistry, but also for general medicine in general. Pathology of hard tissues of teeth, both carious and non-carious, contributes to a decrease in the quality of chewing food and digestive disorders, as well as cosmetic defects and speech disorders. The physiological parameters of the dentition function are disrupted by tooth loss. Structural changes in the organs of the oral cavity with partial tooth loss were studied. Changes in saprophytic and pathogenic microflora have been well studied. In the case of prosthetics with a non-removable denture design, special importance is attached to the supporting teeth. They carry out a large functional load, and therefore the periodontal tissue undergoes morphofunctional changes. Given the side effects of artificial crowns, these changes become obvious. Initial structural changes are observed in the pulp tissue during the preparation of hard tooth tissues. In the case of prosthetics with various removable and non-removable structures with secondary adentia, the periodontal condition depends on the magnitude of the load, the extent of the defect and the choice of technique for processing hard dental tissues. At the same time, the choice of design features primarily depends on the condition and degree of changes in periodontal tissues []. According to some data, with an increase in functional loads, pronounced morphofunctional changes are observed in periodontal microvessels. It should be borne in mind that problems associated with obtaining reliable information about the condition of the tissues surrounding the tooth (periodontal disease, periodontal disease, marginal gum) arise already at the initial stage. The diagnostic methods used are quite approximate and in many cases do not reflect the actual picture of the condition of periodontal tissues.




How to Cite

Kamalovich, A. X. (2024). Dental Studies of the Chewing Height in Patients Using Metal-Ceramic and Zirconium Prostheses. International Journal of Alternative and Contemporary Therapy, 2(5), 160–164. Retrieved from