Age-Related Prevalence of Pаrodontal Diseases in Children With Disabilities


  • Eronov Yo.Q. Bukhara State Medical Institute


Changes in parodontic tissues are observed in 7-8 30% of children with young disabilities, with age, the prevalence of gingivitis increases until the period of sexual maturity, children aged 12 to 70% have gingivitis. According to scientists, gingivitis often passes without pain and can remain without treatment for many years. The main cause of chronic gingivitis and parodontitis is an inflammatory infection process, which is considered to be non – specialized microorganisms in the oral cavity and their various manifestations.


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How to Cite

Eronov Yo.Q. (2024). Age-Related Prevalence of Pаrodontal Diseases in Children With Disabilities. International Journal of Alternative and Contemporary Therapy, 2(6), 131–135. Retrieved from