Study of the Importance of Correction of Occlusal Disorders by the Method of Selective Grinding on the Processes of Restoration of Functional Occlusion


  • Melikuziyev K. K Kimyo International University in Tashkent Namangan branch
  • E. A. Fazliddinova Kimyo International University in Tashkent Namangan branch
  • Safarov M. T. Tashkent State Dental Insitute




Stroke is an acute disturbance of the blood supply to the brain , characterized by the sudden (within minutes, hours) appearance of focal and/or cerebral neurological symptoms , which persist for more than 24 hours or lead to the death of the patient in a shorter period of time due to cerebrovascular pathology. This article discusses modern pharmacological drugs for treating the consequences of stroke.



How to Cite

Melikuziyev K. K, E. A. Fazliddinova, & Safarov M. T. (2024). Study of the Importance of Correction of Occlusal Disorders by the Method of Selective Grinding on the Processes of Restoration of Functional Occlusion. International Journal of Integrative and Modern Medicine, 2(11), 111–114. Retrieved from