Plastic Waste and their Health Threat


  • Toshmatova Guzal Adilxodjayevna PhD, Senior Lecturer, Department of Environmental Hygiene, Tashkent Medical Academy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  • Erkinov Islom Arslon ugli Tashkent Medical Academy, Faculty of Medicine No. 1, student of group 215


plastic waste, microplastic, human health, phthalates


Plastic global environmental waste and medical from problems one being their years during in nature non-degradable environment it pollutes and food to the chain come in , man to health serious threat gives birth Plastic disintegration as a result harvest has been microplastics water , food and into the air spread to the body entrance through inflammation , toxic effect , hormonal disorders and of immunity to decrease take coming can This is it scientific in the article plastic waste of management current methods of microplastics a person to the organism effect learning results and waste reduce according to international cooperation and ecological culture development issues discussion will be done.


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How to Cite

Adilxodjayevna, T. G., & ugli, E. I. A. (2024). Plastic Waste and their Health Threat. International Journal of Integrative and Modern Medicine, 2(12), 176–178. Retrieved from