Morphological Characteristics of Cervical Intervertebral Disc Hernias


  • Sattorov Behruz Qobil ugli Department of Traumatology and Neurosurgery, Bukhara State Medical Institute


Cervical intervertebral disc hernia, morphology, histological analysis, MRI, fibrosis, vascularization


Cervical intervertebral disc hernias (CIDH) significantly impact patient mobility and quality of life. This study examines the morphological characteristics of CIDH using advanced imaging and histological analysis. Key findings highlight the structural alterations in herniated discs and their implications for diagnosis and treatment. The study concludes with recommendations for improving therapeutic interventions based on morphological insights.


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How to Cite

ugli, S. B. Q. (2024). Morphological Characteristics of Cervical Intervertebral Disc Hernias. International Journal of Integrative and Modern Medicine, 2(12), 200–202. Retrieved from