The Origins of Neurosyphilis Prevention and Modern Diagnostic Methods


  • Burkhonov Temurbek Sardor oʻgʻli Department of Neurology, Samarkand State Medical University, 1st year clinical resident
  • Kadirov Umid Arzikulovich Assistant to the Department of Neurology, Samarkand State Medical University
  • Khakimova Sokhiba Ziyadulloyevna Scientific supervisor, Department of Neurology, Samarkand State Medical University, Head of the Department


Description of the disease, Causes of syphilis, Late neurosyphilis


Neurosyphilis is a secondary disease of infectious etiology, which is a lesion of the nervous system. Its causative agent is the bacterium Treponema pallidum, which, entering the body of an adult or a child, causes the development of an acquired or congenital form of syphilis. Today, about 20% of patients with syphilis have damage to the nervous system, the proportion of which is neurosyphilis is 8-9%.



How to Cite

Sardor oʻgʻli, B. T., Arzikulovich, K. U., & Ziyadulloyevna, K. S. (2025). The Origins of Neurosyphilis Prevention and Modern Diagnostic Methods. International Journal of Integrative and Modern Medicine, 3(1), 24–29. Retrieved from

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