Evaluation of the Results of Anaesthesia Techniques Used in Patients with Shoulder Fractures
Shoulder fractures procedures; General anesthesia; Regional anesthesia; Quality of life scale; and VAS pain scale.Abstract
Background: Anesthesia techniques play an effective role in pain management for patients, which enhances the safety and success of the procedure which contributes positively to the success of the operation. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the anesthetic results during surgical procedures for patients with shoulder fractures. Patients and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted for patients who underwent shoulder fracture surgery under anesthesia. Their ages ranged from (30 - 60) years, which included 70 patients. This study examined anesthesia techniques and surgical procedures, which included shoulder arthroscopy in 35 patients, shoulder arthroscopy with open repair in 7 patients, and reverse total shoulder arthroplasty in 28 patients. All surgeries were performed under both types of anesthesia, which included general anesthesia and regional anesthesia. This study recorded the surgical outcomes of patients in terms of surgical times, estimated blood loss (ml), bleeding, PACU admission, mortality rate, recovery time in months, length of hospital stay in days, follow-up clinical outcomes during and after surgery, complications, pain rate, and health-related quality of life scale. Results: Our clinical results for patients in the group that underwent regional anesthesia included operative time was 4.4 ± 2.7 minutes, estimated blood loss was 654.70 ± 160.35 (ml), bleeding included 2 cases, mortality rate was no case, recovery time was 2.2 ± 0.8 months, length of hospital stay was 2.4 ± 0.6 days, patients’ quality of life where the most prominent aspects are the physical aspect as before surgery was 40.5 ± 7.8 and after surgery was 80.85 ± 9.63. The daily activities before surgery were 32.16 ± 4.8, while the daily activities after surgery were 86.12 ± 9.63. The pain scores in the last month of follow-up were 0. For the results for the general anesthesia group, the operation time was 3.8±2.5 minutes, the estimated blood loss was 1286±289.56 (mL), the bleeding was 5, the mortality rate was 3 cases, the recovery time was 4.2 ± 1.3 months, the length of hospital stay was 3.1 ± 1.2 days, quality of life of patients as the most prominent aspects are the physical aspect after surgery was 72.53 ± 5.42 and daily activities after surgery. The surgery score was 78.76 ± 5.42, and pain scores in the last month of follow-up were 3.56 ± 0.22. Conclusion: Our study indicated that regional anesthesia represents the optimal anesthesia for pain management, healthy quality of life, and a lower rate of complications and mortality compared to general anesthesia, which improves the recovery rate and postoperative health outcomes
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