Assessment Outcomes of Common Complications and Side Effects of Thyroidectomy, Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study
Endoscopic thyroidectomy, Mortality rate, postoperative complications, Hospital stay time, VAS score of painAbstract
Thyroid illness is the most prevalent medical condition among Iraqi people. In general, endoscopic thyroidectomy is a highly effective, safe, and popular method for cosmetic purposes. This study aims to determine data of 86 Iraqi patients who have undergone endoscopic thyroidectomy in, particularly of complications, pain scores, and quality of life. From 6 February 2023 to 15 July 2024, data pertaining to surgical procedures performed on Iraqi patients (86) were collated from medical facilities in Baghdad, Iraq. In the case of endoscopic thyroidectomy, the clinical data associated with the surgical procedure were determined in accordance with the following parameters: duration of surgery, length of hospital stay, rates of post-operative pain and complications, patient satisfaction, and quality of life following surgery. The clinical findings of the endoscopic thyroidectomy are as follows: the operational duration was 105.77 ± 22.58 minutes, the blood loss was 26.72 ± 9.80 mL, five cases demanded blood transfusion, the length of hospital stay was 1.55 ± 0.62 days, two cases were admitted to the intensive care unit, and there were no mortalities. In patients who underwent endoscopic thyroidectomy, eight cases had complications. In the quality-of-life evaluations, it was found that physical health and psychological functioning were the most dominant factors in determining whether patients had a successful quality of life. The findings of our current study indicate that endoscopic thyroidectomy is the optimal surgical procedure for achieving high clinical outcomes in terms of low pain and complication rates and ideal quality of life for patients.
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