Investigation of the Impact of Radiation on Human Microbiome


  • Jabborova Oysha Iskandarovna Department of Medical Biology, Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sina. Uzbekistan


Radiation, electron twins, atomic nucleus


Radiation exposure, under certain conditions, can significantly affect the cells of living organisms. It is well known that we are exposed to radiation daily due to natural background radiation, which is generally harmless. However, exposure to higher doses of radiation poses serious health risks, including radiation sickness and other severe, potentially life-threatening conditions such as malignant diseases. There exist radiation doses far beyond everyday exposure—exceeding the natural background by tens of thousands of times—which can be lethal.




How to Cite

Iskandarovna, J. O. (2025). Investigation of the Impact of Radiation on Human Microbiome. International Journal of Integrative and Modern Medicine, 3(2), 124–127. Retrieved from