Changes in the State of the Immune System in Gi Patients against the Background of Covid-19 Infection with Acute and Chronic Periodontitis


  • Turaeva Firuza Abdurashidovna Bukhara State Medical Institute


Clinical signs that occur in patients infected with coronavirus infection when the upper respiratory tract is damaged are:increased body temperature, coughing, superficial and short breathing, runny nose, separation from the nose, loss of sense of smell and taste, sore throat, itchy throat, sneezing, suffocation of voice, dry cough and a large amount of sputum separation. In addition, pain in the muscles, diarrhea and pain in the abdominal area are annoying. Most often, the disease, bypassing mild symptoms, develops viral pneumonia, causing a deficiency of all vital organs. The principles of early diagnosis, prevention and special treatment of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity in patients infected with coronavirus infection have not been fully developed.


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How to Cite

Abdurashidovna, T. F. (2024). Changes in the State of the Immune System in Gi Patients against the Background of Covid-19 Infection with Acute and Chronic Periodontitis. International Journal of Integrative and Modern Medicine, 2(3), 1–3. Retrieved from