The Stages of Evaluating Students in the Study of Pharmacology


  • Naimova Zilola Salimovna Samarkand State Medical University


pharmacology, higher medical education, assessment methods


At the present stage of development of medical education, the professional training of future doctors is of great importance. Pharmacology is one of the main fundamental disciplines that initiate the study of pharmacotherapeutic treatment of various nosologies. Mastering basic knowledge of pharmacology as an integral interdisciplinary science aimed at studying the main groups of medicines most commonly used in medicine, the dependence of the pharmacotherapeutic effect on the properties of medicines, their conditions of use and the physiological state of the body, and serves as a link between the study of fundamental sciences and the practical application of drugs to optimize pharmacotherapy of internal diseases. Therefore, an important aspect of pedagogical work is not only the optimal educational and methodological support for practical classes, but also a qualitative formative and summative assessment of students' knowledge in the study of this discipline.


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How to Cite

Salimovna, N. Z. (2024). The Stages of Evaluating Students in the Study of Pharmacology. International Journal of Integrative and Modern Medicine, 2(5), 47–51. Retrieved from