Review of the Results of Eropen 700 in the Treatment of Patients with Erectile Dysfunction


  • Azimov Sardorbek Ilkhomovich Bukhara State Medical Institute


erectile dysfunction, impotence, Eropen 700, decreased libido, testosterone


The article presents the results of studies conducted in patients with erectile dysfunction of various etiologies. In the course of the study in male patients of different age, who had sexual disorders, decreased libido, premature ejaculation, decreased orgasm, as well as qualitative and quantitative disorders in spermograms of various degrees, there were no side effects and complications after taking the drug Eropen 700.


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How to Cite

Ilkhomovich, A. S. (2024). Review of the Results of Eropen 700 in the Treatment of Patients with Erectile Dysfunction. International Journal of Integrative and Modern Medicine, 2(6), 561–564. Retrieved from