Peculiarities of Epilepsy Treatment in Women of Childbearing Age


  • Kamalova Dilafruz Donierovna Samarkand State Medical University
  • Norhujaeva Charoshon Bobir kizi Samarkand State Medical University


epilepsy, epilepsy in women, pregnancy, antiepileptic therapy, teratogenicity


The article is devoted to the peculiarities of epilepsy treatment in women of childbearing age. Physiological peculiarities of this category of patients, neuroendo-crine disorders, which may be a consequence of both the disease itself and the therapy administered, are discussed in detail. The data presented in the article indicate the need for a differentiated approach to the management of these patients, as well as the correct choice of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) depending on the form of epilepsy, the type of seizures, and the potential effect of AEDs on hormonal status. When choosing antiepileptic drugs in girls and women of fertile age, preference should be given to new-generation drugs (lamotrigine and levetiracetam), taking into account the medicinal aspects of these drugs (interaction of AEDs among themselves, with hormonal contraceptives, the effect of drugs on the menstrual cycle, fertility indicators, teratogenicity).


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How to Cite

Donierovna, K. D., & Bobir kizi, N. C. (2024). Peculiarities of Epilepsy Treatment in Women of Childbearing Age. International Journal of Alternative and Contemporary Therapy, 2(5), 217–223. Retrieved from