
  • Sarvar. A. Khakimov Associate professor (PhD), Department of forrnsic medicine and medical law, Tashkent Medical Academy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  • Malika. R. Salimova Senior Lecturer, Department of Public Health and Management, Tashkent Medical Academy


Post-asphyctic states, mechanic asphyxia


Asphyxia is an acute or subacute disturbance of external respiration, leading to insufficient oxygen supply to the body and the accumulation of carbon dioxide in it.5 In some cases, with asphyxia, death may occur not from a lack of oxygen, but due to reflex cardiac arrest due to irritation of the upper laryngeal nerve from compression of the neck or during aspiration of a foreign body.


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Giyasov, Z. A., & Khakimov, S. A. (2021). Features of Postasphic Conditions In Children And Adolescents. International Journal Of Medical Science And Clinical Research Studies, 1(7), 211-214.

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How to Cite

Khakimov, S. A., & Salimova, M. R. (2024). CAUSES OF DEATH IN ASPHYXIA OF VARIOUS ORIGINS, POST-ASPHYCTIC STATES. International Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology, 2(4), 8–11. Retrieved from