Comparative Analysis of Results of Ascending Aortic Prosthesis


  • Rakhimberganov Khusanboy Davlatnazarovich Tashkent Medical Academy 3rd year master's student in general surgeon
  • Irisov Ortikali Tulaevich Tashkent Medical Academy Doctor of Medical Sciences, Thoracic Surgeon


ascending aortic prosthesis, open surgery, endovascular aneurysm repair


This study provides a comprehensive comparative analysis of outcomes from different surgical techniques employed in ascending aortic prosthesis, specifically focusing on open surgery, endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR), and robotic-assisted surgery. Conducted between 2018 and 2023 at our institution, the research involved a cohort of 300 patients diagnosed with ascending aortic aneurysms.

The primary objectives were to assess key clinical outcomes, including 30-day mortality rates, complication rates (such as infections, thromboembolism, and reoperations), average length of hospital stay, and quality of life improvements, measured by the EQ-5D scale at baseline and six months post-surgery.




How to Cite

Davlatnazarovich, R. K., & Tulaevich, I. O. (2024). Comparative Analysis of Results of Ascending Aortic Prosthesis. International Journal of Alternative and Contemporary Therapy, 2(10), 77–83. Retrieved from