Nerve Injuries in Oral Surgical Dentistry: Analysis and Discussion


  • Soliev Bunyodbek Ilhomjon ugli Tashkent State Dental Institute, Uzbekistan
  • Abdukodirov Eldor Isroilovich Tashkent State Dental Institute, Uzbekistan
  • Inoyatova Sitora Oybekovna Tashkent State Dental Institute, Uzbekistan
  • Sirojiddinova Nilufar Sharofiddinovna Tashkent State Dental Institute, Uzbekistan


mouth space surgery, dentistry, nerve damage, bottom alveolar nerve, language nerve


This in the article mouth space surgery in dentistry occurring nerve their injuries causes, symptoms and complications IMRD format based on analysis will be done. In particular, the bottom alveolar nerve (PAN) and language nerve (TN) injuries see will be released. In research mouth space surgery during surface coming nerve injuries in patients constant pain, sensitivity loss and another significant to inconveniences take coming possible determined. Also nervous injuries prevention get for caution measures apply importance is emphasized. Article dentists and mouth space surgeons for clinical in practice useful recommendations own into takes.


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How to Cite

Soliev Bunyodbek Ilhomjon ugli, Abdukodirov Eldor Isroilovich, Inoyatova Sitora Oybekovna, & Sirojiddinova Nilufar Sharofiddinovna. (2024). Nerve Injuries in Oral Surgical Dentistry: Analysis and Discussion. International Journal of Alternative and Contemporary Therapy, 2(11), 1–3. Retrieved from