Breast Cancer: New Foundations in Pathological Anatomy and Diagnostic Approaches


  • Allanazarov Ismoil Musurmonkulovich Tibbiyot Fanlar Nomzodi, Dotsent
  • Xolieva Nigora Xudayberdievna Tashkent Medical Academy
  • Rahmonova Umida Tohir qizi Tashkent Medical Academy
  • Rahmatullayeva Sabrina Kamolovna Tashkent Medical Academy


Breast Cancer, Pathological Anatomy, Diagnostic Approaches, Mammography, Biopsy


This article explores the key aspects of breast cancer (BC) pathological anatomy, including its developmental mechanisms and histological analysis methods. It examines the external and internal structures of breast tissue, histological classifications, and the significant roles of genetic and environmental factors in cancer diagnosis. Additionally, the article discusses modern diagnostic approaches essential for the early detection and effective treatment of BC. The findings aim to enhance the understanding of various forms of breast cancer in oncology and contribute to the development of future research and treatment strategies.


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How to Cite

Allanazarov Ismoil Musurmonkulovich, Xolieva Nigora Xudayberdievna, Rahmonova Umida Tohir qizi, & Rahmatullayeva Sabrina Kamolovna. (2024). Breast Cancer: New Foundations in Pathological Anatomy and Diagnostic Approaches. International Journal of Alternative and Contemporary Therapy, 2(11), 14–20. Retrieved from