Generalization of Experience in Surgical Treatment of Dissociated Vertical Strabismus and Development of Recommendations on the Tactics of Surgical Treatment of this Pathology in Children


  • Abdullaeva Dilorom Rustamovna Samarkand State Medical University
  • Oblokulova Jasmina Muminjonovna Samarkand State Medical University


treatment of dissociated vertical strabismus in children


Vertical strabismus may manifest itself as a concomitant or paretic (paralytic) form, be a consequence of neurological diseases, traumas, congenital syndromes. There is a purely vertical strabismus, which is associated with the lesion of the muscles of vertical action, and a combination of vertical strabismus with other lesions of the oculomotor apparatus (convergent, divergent strabismus, nystagmus). Vertical strabismus may be secondary - it may appear after correction of convergent or divergent strabismus when the plane of muscle attachment is displaced upward or downward from the initial place. Paretic or paralytic lesions of the oblique muscles of vertical action are most often noted in vertical strabismus.


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How to Cite

Rustamovna , A. D., & Muminjonovna , O. J. (2024). Generalization of Experience in Surgical Treatment of Dissociated Vertical Strabismus and Development of Recommendations on the Tactics of Surgical Treatment of this Pathology in Children. International Journal of Alternative and Contemporary Therapy, 2(9), 12–15. Retrieved from