Comparative Evaluation of the Measurement of Cephalometric Parameters


  • Halmanov B. A. Department of Surgical Dentistry and Dental Implantology, Tashkent State Dental Institute
  • Ikramov G. A. Department of Surgical Dentistry and Dental Implantology, Tashkent State Dental Institute
  • Suvоnov K. J. Department of Surgical Dentistry and Dental Implantology, Tashkent State Dental Institute


cephalometry, orthodontic treatment, diagnosis, dentofacial anomalies


The article explores the features of the integration of modern digital and computer technologies in the diagnosis process of patients with orthodontic profile. The materials of a number of scientific publications and articles devoted to cephalometric analysis are considered to improve the accuracy and quality of diagnostic capabilities. The cephalometric parameters of the patients are analyzed, analyzed by a number of possible methods. During the study, patients were diagnosed and data were obtained characterizing the features of using standard and proposed methods of analysis.


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How to Cite

Halmanov B. A., Ikramov G. A., & Suvоnov K. J. (2024). Comparative Evaluation of the Measurement of Cephalometric Parameters. International Journal of Alternative and Contemporary Therapy, 2(9), 55–58. Retrieved from