Clinical and Immunologic Evaluation of Pulpitis Patients with Painful Symptoms


  • Burieva Nafosat Askarali kizi Doctor of Medical Sciences Professor of the Department of Prevention of Dental Diseases
  • Mirsalikhova Firuza Lukmanovna Doctor of Medical Sciences Professor of the Department of Prevention of Dental Diseases
  • Pulatova Barno Zhurahonovna Doctor of medical sciences, professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department


pulpitis with pain symptom, nervous system, facial pain, pain syndrome


The pathology of the pulp, which is most often manifested by chronic pulpitis, can lead to the occurrence of atypical facial pain. It is known that the pain of pulpitis is one of the most severe and causes suffering to the patient. The study would allow the dentist to consider pulpitis pain not only as a symptom of a dental disease, but also as a systemic syndrome in which the nervous system, the patient's psyche, his ability to work and quality of life suffer. As a result of clinical and immunological studies, the clinical and pathophysiological features of atypical facial pain in pulpitis have been clarified. Treatment of pulpitis cannot be limited only to endodontic and restoration measures, it must include a set of diagnostic and rehabilitation measures aimed at restoring the neuropsychiatric and immunological health of the patient.


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How to Cite

kizi, B. N. A., Lukmanovna, M. F., & Zhurahonovna, P. B. (2024). Clinical and Immunologic Evaluation of Pulpitis Patients with Painful Symptoms. International Journal of Alternative and Contemporary Therapy, 2(9), 133–138. Retrieved from