Important Aspects and Risk Factors for Hypertension in the Environment and Adverse Climate


  • Sokhib Rashidov Zamon ugli Department of Pharmacology of Tashkent Medical Academy
  • Mashkhura Nurilloeva Mekhriddin qizi Student of Tashkent Medical Academy
  • Khayitzhon Sultonova Zokirzhon qizi Student of Tashkent Medical Academy
  • Dilbar Rakhmatullaeva Akmal qizi Student of Tashkent Medical Academy
  • Umida Nuriddinova Sirozhiddin qizi Student of Tashkent Medical Academy


CVD, acute coronary syndrome, chronic cardiovascular diseases, systolic blood pressure, environmental factors, low temperatures


Low temperatures, high altitude, loud noises and air pollutants are all factors that can significantly increase blood pressure. Despite the fact that short-term exposure dramatically increases blood pressure, prolonged exposure can lead to the development of sustained hypertension. At the global public health level, environmental factors may play a role in worsening blood pressure control and increasing overall cardiovascular risk. Overall, the data show that numerous environmental factors can rapidly increase blood pressure, causing control problems. This means that doctors and patients with hypertension should be aware of these aspects and pay more attention to blood pressure levels during these exposures. To maintain control over blood pressure, antihypertensive therapy and medications may need to be changed. In this review, we will look at the effect of various environmental factors on hypertension. We will talk about possible molecular and cellular mechanisms and clinical data from large population studies. We emphasize the interrelationship of these environmental factors, since even minor changes in one of them can affect others, including the health of the cardiovascular system. We will also discuss the importance of socio-economic elements and how they affect different communities with economic inequality. Finally, we discuss the prospects and challenges of new research aimed at expanding knowledge about the molecular mechanisms by which environmental factors influence the development of hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases.


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How to Cite

Zamon ugli, S. R., Mekhriddin qizi, M. N., Zokirzhon qizi, K. S., Akmal qizi, D. R., & Sirozhiddin qizi, U. N. (2024). Important Aspects and Risk Factors for Hypertension in the Environment and Adverse Climate. International Journal of Integrative and Modern Medicine, 2(11), 302–307. Retrieved from

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