Condition of the Cardiovascular System in Young Children with Recurrent Bronchitis


  • Jumanazarova G.U. Urgench branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy
  • Tajiyeva Z.B. Urgench branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy
  • Atabaev A.F. Urgench branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy


recurrent bronchitis, repolarization, His bundle, monotonous rhythm.


A number of age-related features of changes in heart activity in patients with recurrent
bronchitis have been identified, among which the following can be distinguished: a high frequency of
heart rhythm disturbances in children of the younger age group, the predominance of a vertical
position of the heart among them, disturbances in the processes of repolarization and partial
blockade of the right bundle branches.




How to Cite

G.U. , J., Z.B., T., & A.F., A. (2024). Condition of the Cardiovascular System in Young Children with Recurrent Bronchitis . International Journal of Integrative and Modern Medicine, 2(5), 331–333. Retrieved from