Cardiac Rhythm and Conduction Disturbances in Pregnant Women
aria, conduction disorder, pregnancyAbstract
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death in all countries. Heart rhythm disturbances lead to the most severe complications in the development of cardiovascular pathology - sudden death, systemic and cerebral thromboembolism. Arrhythmia - complex pathological syndrome that occurs as a result of a violation dynamic work organization of cardio-vascular system. Pathogenesis arrhythmia is complex and cannot be obtained no exhaustive explanations sides disorders of nervous regulation of work heart and its conduction system, nor in areas of membrane potential changes myocytes. It is obvious that disorganization rhythm in some cases cannot be explained structural changes in the heart (for example, "isolated atrial fibrillation").
The proposed hypothesis of the pathogenesis of arrhythmias, suggests that rhythm disorganization may be due to reasons not changing physical properties only the heart, but also large vessels, the entire circulatory system. Pathological dynamic system formed atherosclerotic changes arteries, valves and chambers of the heart, becomes sensitive to mechanical influences of a pulse wave capable of formation of leading resonant frequencies that suppress physiological rhythms.
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