Prevalence and Etiological Factors of Cardiac Rhythm and Conduction Disorders Among Those Seeking Medical Care From a Cardiologist at the Outpatient Stage


  • Ismailova F. Sh Assistant of the Department of Teaching Clinical Skills on simulators Bukhara State Medical Institute


Rhythm and conduction disorders, aetiology of arrhythmias


The study included 652 patients with persistent rhythm and conduction disturbances who consulted a consultative and diagnostic polyclinic cardiologist for 2 years. Possible etiological factors of arrhythmias occurrence in the examined patients were revealed. In 48 (8.84%) patients no visible causes of rhythm disturbances were revealed. This group of patients underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the heart to clarify the nature of arrhythmias. In 32 patients cardiac MRI allowed to determine the probable cause of cardiac rhythm disturbances, and the high frequency of myocarditis signs detection at MRI (⅓ of patients examined) is noteworthy



How to Cite

F. Sh, I. (2025). Prevalence and Etiological Factors of Cardiac Rhythm and Conduction Disorders Among Those Seeking Medical Care From a Cardiologist at the Outpatient Stage. International Journal of Integrative and Modern Medicine, 3(1), 147–151. Retrieved from