Role of Mammography in Early Detection of Breast Cancer


  • Axmadova Maftuna Amin qizi Axmadova Maftuna Amin qizi


breast cancer, mastopathy, diagnostics, ultrasonography, digital mammography.


The diagnosis of breast cancer is significant for many obvious and perhaps less obvious reasons. The diagnosis not only affects the patient, but affects those around her e.g. her female relatives. The disease has a sinister reputation because of the debilitating cosmetic results traditionally associated with surgery and the invariably bad outcome for the patient traditionally associated with the disease.The article examines 149 women with various forms of mastopathy. I was revealed that ultrasound is a highly effective method of diagnosing mastopathy. Ultrasound diagnostic criteria for breast cancer against the background of fibrocystic mastopathy have been established. The differential series is determined for these pathological conditions.


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How to Cite

Axmadova Maftuna Amin qizi. (2024). Role of Mammography in Early Detection of Breast Cancer. International Journal of Integrative and Modern Medicine, 2(6), 47–51. Retrieved from