Modern Aspects of Nutritional Etiology of Vitamin Deficiency in Children of Primary School Age


  • Duschanova Rakhatzhan Yuldashovna Urgench branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy, Urgench, Uzbekistan


vitamin, children, deficiency, food


The article provides a brief overview of materials reflecting the biological role of vitamins for the development of children and their health. The main types and causes of vitamin deficiency in children, disorders of assimilation and metabolism of vitamins, and increased need for vitamins are identified. Food products, which are the main sources of vitamins, are not always able to provide the growing children's body with the necessary amounts of vitamins.


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How to Cite

Yuldashovna, D. R. (2024). Modern Aspects of Nutritional Etiology of Vitamin Deficiency in Children of Primary School Age. International Journal of Integrative and Modern Medicine, 2(7), 68–73. Retrieved from