The Importance of the Thymus in the Development of Neonatal Pathology


  • Jurayev K. D. Assistant of the Department of Medical Radiology, Faculty of Postgraduate Education Samarkand State Medical University
  • Islamov Sh. E. Doctor of medical sciences, associate professor of pathologic anatomy department, Samarkand State Medical University


Newborns, pathologies, thymus gland


The article is devoted to the importance of the thymus in the development of pathology of newborns. In particular, it was noted that age-related features of the structure and function of the organs of the immune system, as well as the thymus gland, are necessary to determine the periods of formation of immunogenesis processes at critical moments of the postnatal period, which include the period of newborn. Such information is in demand in clinical medicine with the proper organization of preventive and curative measures.


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How to Cite

Jurayev K. D., & Islamov Sh. E. (2024). The Importance of the Thymus in the Development of Neonatal Pathology. International Journal of Integrative and Modern Medicine, 2(9), 61–63. Retrieved from