And Anxiety Depressive Disorders in Patients With Families of Covid -19
depression, anxiety, anxiety-depressive disorders, psychological testsAbstract
Resume: A study was conducted among 60 patients with close relatives who had contracted COVID-19, using the HADS – Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. According to the results of the HADS questionnaire, the frequency of clinically significant manifestations of anxiety disorders was 19.1%, and the combined occurrence of anxiety and depressive disorders was 36.4%. Anxiety disorders were significantly more common in women, primarily among unmarried women and those with comorbid conditions. According to the CES-D, clinically significant anxiety disorders were identified in 34.5% of respondents, which is 1.5 times higher than the frequency of depression among patients. Depressive disorders were more prevalent in patients over 50 years old. Thus, anxiety disorders were found to be three times more common in patients with close relatives diagnosed with COVID-19 compared to the general population, and anxiety-depressive disorders were more frequent in individuals with chronic pain syndromes. The study highlights the importance of identifying anxiety-depressive disorders in close relatives of COVID-19 patients for the purpose of providing medication and socioeconomic support.
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