Methods of Early Diagnosis of Children's Upper Jawpatologies


  • Fozilov Uktam Abdurazzoqovich Bukhara State Medical Institute


Relevance of the study. Based on the analysis of foreign and domestic research studies of high jawprotrusions in orthodontic dentistry practice, the rate of tooth – jaw deformities is 36.8%. In the practice of orthodontic dentistry, early diagnosis of these pathologies and effective treatment are one of the pressing problems that await a solution. In recent years, under the Engel classification, there has been an increase in the number of Class II deformations and a decrease in Class III deformations, which is due to a change in the load of the chewing pressure. It is known that the prevalence of high jawprotrusions is associated with the evolutionary period, as cited in scientific sources, and the changes do not differ much. They highlight other forms of upper jawprotrusions, namely information on the types of upper jaw. In the examination of high jawprotrusions, an objective examination is a complete analysis of cephalometric indicators taking into account the growth component of the jaws [].


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How to Cite

Fozilov Uktam Abdurazzoqovich. (2025). Methods of Early Diagnosis of Children’s Upper Jawpatologies. International Journal of Pediatrics and Genetics, 3(2), 21–23. Retrieved from